Fraser Lands Gallery Presents:
Easter Exhibition
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Fraser Lands Gallery Presents:
The term “magnificat” comes from a latin term, the same term that gave English “magnificent”. In response to the Christmas story, Mary is in a unique position to praise God. She calls Him magnificent. This Christmas, we will meditate on the glory of God: His brilliance, His magnificence.
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Fraser Lands Gallery Presents:
Thriving in Exile
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Fraser Lands Gallery Presents:
God'sConvenant Love
Alongside our church sermon series for the month of August, our artists reflect on the story of Ruth and God's covenental love in the context of family brokenness and suffering.
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Fraser Lands Gallery Presents:
An Easter Art Gallery
Reflecting on the Season of Lent
The season of lent marks a time of preparation for Easter weekend. It echoes the Lord's time in the wilderness, and is a time for penitence, fasting, and prayer in preparation for the great feast of the resurrection. This exhibit serves as a companion to our journey through these 40 days. The hope is that by hearing and answering our Saviour's call to repent, we may enter fully into the Easter celebration.
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Fraser Lands Gallery Presents:
A Christmas Art Exhibit
The word "nativity" derives from the latin word, "nativitas" which means "birth." In Christian tradition "nativity" refers to the birth of Jesus Christ, both the arrival of Jesus and the miraculous circumstances. For centuries people have depicted the Nativity scene in Bethlehem in various forms: from wooden models, to paintings, to theatre dramatizations. The depiction of this scene draws us into the wonder of Christmas. This practice dates back to Francis of Assisi, who created a live action representation of the manger scene in 1223. In the bible story each of the nativity characters goes on a unique journey. What calls and draws them to the manger depends on their role and relationship to Jesus. Each of these journeys gives us a glimpse into the joy of Christmas.
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- Christmas 2022
- Easter 2023
- God's Covenant Love 2023
- Daniel 2023
- Magnificat 2023
- Easter 2024
- All
- Mixed Media
- Painting
- Photograph
Share your thoughts on your favourite artworks with us! Use the hashtag #FraserLandsGallery on Instagram.
Fraser Lands Gallery would like to acknowledge that we are seated on the unceded traditional territories of the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh Nations and their People.
The term unceded means that the land we reside on was never legally given up by its original inhabitants, the First Nations peoples, through treaty or other agreement.
We, Fraser Lands Gallery, recognize this truth alongside the Indigenous peoples who have occupied and stewarded this land since time immemorial.

About Us
Fraser Lands Gallery is an arts ministry which creates opportunities for our church community to interact with and explore God through art, and provides another means of outreach to our neighbours. The Gallery is always looking for artists to join their team and create artworks for exhibitions and art shows within the Church space, if you are interested, please email us for more details.